I am Rickey Cummings was created to shed light to the injustice Rickey Cummings is currently facing at the hands of the Texas Judicial System, and to support him in his plight to survive the conditions of Texas Death Row as he fights for his freedom. We are coming together to collectively use our platforms, voices and resources to help Rickey fight against a system and its conditions.
Learn about Rickey’s life, what led to his wrongful conviction and the steps he has taken to not only better himself but the lives of those who know him.
Rickey's Case
Learn about what transpired to land an innocent man on death row for a decade.
The State presented photos and a rap video, that Rickey was not in, as proof of his alleged gang ties. This irrelevant gang ‘evidence’ intentionally used to racialize the proceeding, repeatedly alluded to alleged gang affiliation and capitalised on the all-white jury by playing up negative racial stereotypes. A particularly problematic tactic, given Waco’s troubled history of anti-Black violence.
Since the trial, both “witnesses” have recanted their statements and admitted coercion from the District Attorney and/or Detective [Reference: Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, page 49; Affidavit of Michae’l Atkins, Witness available on the website].
It is now known that then-District Attorneys’ Abel Reyna, Greg Davis, and Michael Jarrett knowingly used false testimony and evidence to convict Rickey and they used illegal post-indictment hearings before the trial began, to spy on the defense team, threaten potential defense witnesses, and keep material evidence hidden. All of which was a violation of Rickey’s constitutional Rights.
Evidence of alternative suspects discovered and ignored.